Three 6 inch circular paintings

IN THE ROUND at Graven Feather

Graven Feather Gallery's 4th annual IN THE ROUND group show invites artists - 150 of them - to create 6 inch round works. Working round sounded like an intriguing challenge, so I dove in with three imagined landscapes. Hope you can pop in to see

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7th annual studio show.

7th Annual Studio Show

Friday October 14, 2016 7pm to 9pm Saturday October 15, 2016 12 noon to 4pm First time ever in October! As always, light refreshments and even lighter conversation will be served. Hope you can join us! Leslie. All the new work is top secret until the opening - new images will be

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Artist talk from the recent Shoe Repair show

After months of planning, focused effort and anticipation, a most wonderful experience unfolded on Gabriola island this May. My solo show of artwork, “Shoe Repair and other consequences of walking”, had a hugely successful two day run at the Keep Calm gallery. A warmer reception

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Shoe Repair (and other consequences of walking)

Yes, telephone orders welcomed Sat May 14 2016, 11am-4pm Pacific time (that's 2pm-7pm for you easterners) 250-816-7308 After a wonderful opening party, the show - Shoe Repair (and other consequences of walking) - continues today here on Gabriola Island. If you're nearby, I hope you can join us

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6th annual studio show. Spring has sprung, it's showtime

6th Annual Studio Show

Friday May 8, 2015 7pm to 9pm Saturday May 9, 2015 12 noon to 4pm You are invited to join me on a scenic tour of Copenhagen. We'll stop over in Amsterdam before heading home to our beloved neighbourhood of Parkdale. Light refreshments will be served along the way. Hope

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EDGE 2014 - Keep Calm and Carry on Gallery

EDGE September 2014

  An invitation to participate in this group show has spurred the 100 Days Project, a piece painted in 2 inch by 2 inch increments over one hundred consecutive days. Keep Calm and Carry on Gallery Gabriola Island, BC Opening: Friday September 19, 2014 - 7-9pm

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Love Squared - Feb 14 2014 - Group Show

Love Squared

Love Squared - a Valentines Day 2014 group show at the Keep Calm and Carry On gallery (Gabriola Island BC) was a smashing success. All pieces in the show were 12" by 12" and were hung in a large grid around the gallery. I was delighted

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Rebecca Gallery

Closing Party at Rebecca Gallery

We're going out in style Saturday June 22, 2-5pm To celebrate the winding down of this very successful show, we're throwing a little closing party. Refreshments will be served. P.S. The show is up until Saturday June 29, which is Canada Day weekend, when many of you are

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