Three 6 inch circular paintings

IN THE ROUND at Graven Feather

Graven Feather Gallery’s 4th annual IN THE ROUND group show invites artists – 150 of them – to create 6 inch round works. Working round sounded like an intriguing challenge, so I dove in with three imagined landscapes. Hope you can pop in to see them.

Graven Feather Gallery

November 2nd-27th 2016
Reception: Thursday November 3rd 7-9pm

906 Queen St. West
Toronto, ON, M6J 1G6


Reversible Landscape. Oil on duralar over acrylic and collage on panel, 6" diameter, 2016
Shoreline. Oil and oil stick on duralar over collage on panel, 6" diameter, 2016
Shaded Pool. Oil on duralar over collage on panel, 6" diameter, 2016.
2015 opening reception. photo credit Andre Kan | @andrekan_